Frequently Asked Questions

What is is a platform that allows users to create lists, links, blogs, or any other text content with automatic hyperlinks enabled.

How to Use This Site?

To begin, navigate to the create page and enter the content you wish to publish in the large textbox. Your content can be a list of links, plain text, or a mix of both.

Below the textbox, you’ll find four optional settings:

  1. Visibility: Determines whether search engines can index your submission and if a password is required for access.
  2. Expiry: Set an expiration date for your paste or choose "never" to keep it indefinitely.
  3. Edit Code: Set a passcode to modify visibility options later, change the access password, and attribute submissions to yourself. Using the same edit code links submissions, proving they were created by the same person. Ensure your edit code is unique and kept safe.

Once you're ready, check the box to confirm you are not a robot and click "publish." Your paste is now created. Copy the address at the top of the window to view and share it with others.

What Can I Do with It?

You can use the site to create lists, bookmarks, blogs, and more with active hyperlinks without needing an account. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

Below the textbox, you’ll find four optional settings:

  • Organize and share your favorite links.
  • Keep track of resources or articles you want to read later.
  • Create a personal blog or journal.
  • Share information with a group or community.
  • Collect and categorize useful references or notes.

Feel free to explore and see what other creative uses you can come up with! We recommend creating an account to manage your links and view statistics.

How can I register?

You can register at After registering, you'll receive an email from [email protected] asking you to confirm your email. If you don't see the email, check your spam folder.

Can I choose a custom URL?

Yes, you can choose a custom URL for your post. More details are available when you create a post by clicking "Options".

What is the maximum length of the text I can put on

The maximum length for a text is 65,535 characters.

Is there a limit to how many posts I can submit?

No, there is no limit. You can publish as much as you want.

Do I have to manually set the URL to make links?

No, automatically enables hyperlinks, making links active without manual input.

I forgot my account password. How can I recover it?

You can reset your password at any time by requesting a password reset

I want to delete a paste I made without creating an account.

Contact us, prove that you are the owner of the created paste, and we will remove it for you.